Breakout Sessions: Is the Medium Really the Message? AND Searching for the Perfect Ecosystem
Date & Time
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 3:10 PM - 3:40 PM

Is the Medium Really the Message?

  • What communication campaigns have worked for your firm?

  • Have you seen effective campaigns from other peer firms that left you impressed?

    • Other enterprise firms?

    • Investment managers?

    • Technology firms?

  • Does your firm utilize platforms like YouTube or, even TikTok to communicate your message?

  • Is there a generational divide on the delivery means and target of your messages, for both customers and advisors?


Searching for the Perfect Ecosystem:

  • What type of integrated environment do you offer?

  • What specific components do they include?

    • Custodian functions

    • Investment management

    • CRM

    • Financial Planning

    • Compliance

    • Anything else?

  • Who gets the most out of your integrated ecosystem?

    • Home office

    • Advisors

    • Customers

  • What do you believe that the next generation of your technology environment will look like?

  • What would you like to include/change?