Case Study #2 - Growth & Differentiation = New and Existing Investment Clients, The Engine, and Limiting the Beneficiary Leakage. How does your firm approach growth?
Date & Time
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 9:40 AM - 10:15 AM
Case Study #2 – Growth & Differentiation = New and Existing Investment Clients, The Engine, and Limiting the Beneficiary Leakage. How does your firm approach growth?
During 2024, a pervasive buzz has been that advisor businesses are not growing fast enough. At a recent conference, Joe Duran throws around a 3 – 4% growth number x market growth for Advisory shops. You want to grow at a higher rate. What does that look like? How are you doing it? Adding advisors? Digital marketing? Prospecting Events? What is the framework that you have and are putting in place?